Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Growth > Sustainability

Alec McChesney
2 min readAug 10, 2021


Your target audience, no matter what industry you are in, is made up of humans.

That seems like a no brainer, right?

But for many organizations and industries, it isn’t. Too often, marketing and communications teams look at their audience as donors, business leaders, decision makers or consumers.

At the end of the day, these are real people, with lives just like you and me. So, when they see your ad or your social profile, they aren’t reading it as “Business Jane” or “Nonprofit Alec.”

They are scrolling it as humans — parents, friends, family members — and that means you, as a brand, need to produce content that engages these individuals.

If you are spending time creating content or paying someone else to do it for you, your number one goal should be to grow your audience. Don’t get me wrong, sustaining your audience is important, but that’s not how you get new clients.

That’s why this statement will always ring true: Content represents the very best way to showcase your brand to your target audience.

You have to make these individuals want you, or at least make them interested in what you have to offer.

Whether you are a nonprofit, a consumer packaged goods company or in the B2B space, content marketing is the most effective way to tell your audience what problems you solve, how you solve them and what results you create.

So, instead of pushing another ad on your social media, try showcasing the work you do, share photos of real people benefitting from your product or service, or even a process video of how your product is made, design created, or service given.



Alec McChesney

As Firespring’s director of strategic marketing, I help businesses and nonprofits all over the world increase their revenue and eliminate brand confusion.